3/1 - The Last British Bullfighter

The Mancunian Matador, at home in Marbella.

Frank Evans is not like other septuagenarian ex-pats. Though he lives in Marbella, and retains his distinctive Salford accent, he is still - despite recent injuries and an earlier retirement - a working bull-fighter.

In this extraordinary interview, he tells Olly how he discovered the controversial sport on holiday in Spain, how a copy of Suit Of Lights by Vincent Charles Hitchcock inspired him to 'give it a bash' - and how, with virtually no training at all, he found himself facing death in the ring in Montpellier...

The 'buspass bull-fighter', Frank Evans, with Olly Mann

Now known as 'El Ingles', Frank sticks out in the sport not only due to his age and English roots, but also because he believes bullfighting needs to adapt to survive.

You can find out more about Frank in his excellent book.

Elsewhere in this episode, we're celebrating our triumphant win* as Podcast of the Year at the Radio Academy Awards:

* we came second.

** they used to be the Sony's, and are now called 'the ARIAs', but this doesn't seem to have caught on, frankly.

Recorded the morning-after-the-night before, in an auspicious hotel room in Leeds, Ollie Peart fills this week's Zeitgeist with a celebration of bow-ties, a review of Adam Curtis' latest film, and a prediction that Kanye West has killed auto-tune.

And, in the first ever instance of The Foxhole actually being recorded in a bed, Alix Fox returns with advice for a listener from Rhode Island who is a 'grower not a shower', and news of why getting older might genuinely mean better sex. 

We have a new sponsor for The Foxhole for this series - the wonderful people at MyCondom.Com, who are offering Modern Mann listeners 15% off their excellent products if you use the code FOXHOLE at Checkout.

And remember, if you have a question of sex for a future episode, you can email Alix here.

Finally, we finish the episode, as ever, with a song. This week, 'Season Two, Episode Three' by the brilliant Glass Animals:

It's good to be back, Mann-Fans! We couldn't do it without those of you who have kindly donated to the show by buying us a beer, and those amazing Mannbassadors who help spread the word by leaving us a review on iTunes

We'll see you next Tuesday...

Posted on October 25, 2016 and filed under Season Three.