2/8 - Top Gear's Rory Reid

Life in the fast lane.

Rory Reid is about to become a household name. He was chosen by the BBC, from thousands of applicants, to present the relaunched Top Gear, alongside the likes of Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc, and spin-off show Extra Gear.

Despite many years as a motoring and tech journalist under his belt, he has had only a few months to adjust to the international celebrity his new job will bring, flying around the world driving supercars for one of the biggest TV shows on Earth.

In this world exclusive interview, he tells Olly how he prepared for his Top Gear screentest, and why a rap video may just have secured him the gig; reacts to his treatment by the British tabloids, and explains why he has some sympathy with Jeremy Clarkson...


Also this week, Ollie Peart considers the live-action Tetris movie in The Zeitgeist, a new product for night-time snackers and the horrors of drinkable Weetabix, and reveals some lesser-known sports.

Meanwhile, in the Foxhole, Alix Fox sweats the small stuff as she answers a question of pheremones: is it normal to be attracted to your partner's sweat? If you have a question of sex for a future episode of the show, just submit it via our Feedback form now - you can remain anonymous if you wish.

Our song of the week is the lovely Life Itself by Glass Animals, out now:

Thanks to our sponsors of the week, baldheadliberationfront.com - your one-stop shop for all your bald-headed needs! Thanks too to everyone who has bought us a beer this series - we really appreciate it. The average price of a pint of beer in Britain is a mere £3.31, but please do feel free to pledge as much or as little as you can afford on our beer money page. 

See You Next Tuesday!

Posted on May 24, 2016 and filed under Season Two.