1/6 - Confessions of a Film Extra

Getting paid for killing time with Britney Spears

Olly has Mann-flu, but the show must go on, thanks to the healing powers of Lemsip.

This week he meets Dr Chay Allen - an art historian who paid his way through his phD by working as an extra on shows including 24 and Downton Abbey, and films including The Dark Shadows and Skyfall.

He also, for a brief period, had 10m people convinced he was Britney Spears' beau...


Chay Allen as companion to Britney Spears in the 'Criminal' video - an image she tweeted out to over 10m of her Followers

Meanwhile, thanks to Producer Matt's ingenuity, the rest of the podcast is recorded in a Ford Mondeo on St Martin's Lane.

In The Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart - himself struck down with S.A.D - applauds a novel approach to Black Friday, loses yet more of his hard-earned cash in Bux, and gets COMPLETELY SUCKED IN by Amazon's drone PR campaign.

Meanwhile, down The Foxhole, our resident love guru Alix Fox has some advice for a horny young dude who is boning so frequently he's resorted to faking his own orgasms. Poor love...

If you'd like to send in a question of sex for Alix, just click on the Feedback form - you can choose to remain completely anonymous if you wish.

Olly's song of the week is 'Let Me Hold You' by Plaitum, out 4th Dec on Wolf Tone.

See you next Tuesday!

Posted on December 1, 2015 and filed under Season One.